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Outreach Service Regulations

Outreach Service Regulations

  1. General provisions
    1. These Regulations define the terms and conditions of using by Advertisers the service of link publication (outreach links service) offered by WhitePress Publishing LTD a limited liability company with its registered office in the United Kingdom, with registered office at 590 Kingston Road, SW20 8DN London, United Kingdom, registered under the entry number: 12339845, TAX ID No.: 348918847.
    2. Unless otherwise stated herein, the capitalised terms listed below shall have the following meanings:

      Anchor - a phrase or name under which a Link directing to the Advertiser's website is placed, published on the Portal as part of the provision of the ordered Service.

      Business day – any day of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays within the meaning of the Act on Public Holidays of 18 January 1951.

      Link - a link directing to the URL of the Advertiser's website, indicated by the Advertiser at the stage of placing an order for the Service (outreach link).

      Fee – the fee paid by the Advertiser to the Service Provider for the requested Service in accordance with the price list published on the Platform.

      Platform – the website owned and provided by the Service Provider at: whitepress.com.

      Portal – a web portal or blog selected by the Service Provider to carry out the Service, chosen on the basis of the parameters specified in the order and the SEO criteria applied; the choice of Portal is decided by the Service Provider each time.

      Terms and Conditions – these Terms and Conditions setting out the terms and conditions of the Advertiser's use of the outreach link publishing service.

      Advertiser Terms and Conditions – the document regulating the conditions of use of the Platform and the ordering of services made available on the Platform by Advertisers, available HERE.

      Complaint – the procedure by which a Claimant makes a claim related to the undue performance of the Service or to the unavailability of the link during the period referred to in sec. 2 para. 2.9 of the Terms and Conditions.

      Advertiser – a User of the Platform who is an entrepreneur, whose situation is governed by the Advertiser Regulations.

      Contract – a contract for the provision of Services by the Service Provider to the Advertiser, concluded between the Advertiser and the Service Provider, under the terms and conditions set out in these Regulations.

      Service – the service of publishing an outreach link on the Portal.

      Service Provider – WhitePress Publishing LTD a limited liability company with its registered office in the United Kingdom, with registered office at 590 Kingston Road, SW20 8DN London, United Kingdom, registered under the entry number: 12339845, TAX ID No.: 348918847.
    3. The Service Provider provides electronic services to the Users of the Platform on the basis of agreements concluded at a distance between the User and the Service Provider. These Regulations constitute the regulations for the provision of services by electronic means referred to in Article 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means.
    4. The conclusion of a contract for the provision of the Service is possible provided that you have a PC, Mac or similar computer connected to the Internet, equipped with an operating system (Windows, Mac OS, Linux or similar) and a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari), as well as access to an email account.
    5. The Service Provider is entitled to carry out the Services through subcontractors. In this case, direct contact is possible between the subcontractor acting on behalf of the Service Provider and the Advertiser, within the scope and for the purpose of the correct execution of the requested Service.
    6. To the extent not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Advertiser's Terms and Conditions shall apply accordingly.
    7. The Services provided by the Service Provider under the Terms and Conditions are intended for persons who use the Services for the purposes of their own business and, at the same time, are of a professional nature for them. Whenever a User who is a consumer or an entrepreneur for whom the use of the Services provided by the Service Provider is not of a professional nature (the so-called quasi-entrepreneur) wishes to use the Services provided by the Service Provider under the Terms and Conditions, contracts with regard to the Services provided by the Service Provider by electronic means shall be concluded with the User on terms and conditions agreed individually, with the proviso that the provisions of the Terms and Conditions and documents to which the Terms and Conditions refers, shall apply to such Advertiser with regard to prices and - depending on individual arrangements - with regard to the rest, respectively.
  2. Conditions for ordering and providing the Service
    1. As part of the Platform's functionality, the Service Provider generates an offer to purchase the publication of a link containing the following information:
      • the subject category of the link;
      • requirements concerning the portals on which the link is to be placed;
      • publication date;
      • price;
      • comments on the offer.
    2. The advertiser can select a Premium option that is linked to the chosen subject categories. The Advertiser can see the currently available Premium options at the ordering stage. The Service Provider has the right to change the thematic category offered as a Premium option at any time and at its own discretion. In the event that the Premium option is not selected, but the thematicity of the Link belongs to the thematic category in the Premium option, the Service Provider will inform the Advertiser. The Advertiser may cancel the order for the Link in question or cover the price difference in accordance with the current price list.
    3. The conclusion of the contract between the Advertiser and the Service Provider for the provision of the Service takes place when the Service Provider accepts the order placed.
    4. The conclusion of the contract and its terms and conditions shall be recorded by means of an email sent to the Advertiser as part of the functionality of the Platform.
    5. The service is provided within 60 working days of the conclusion of the Agreement.
    6. As part of the functionality of the Platform, no later than 7 working days after the publication of the Link, the Service Provider is obliged to indicate on the Platform that the Service has been performed. "Designation" in the aforementioned sense is understood to be the fact that the Service Provider provides the Internet address of the subpage of the Portal on which the Link was published. The marking has the effect of automatically notifying the Service Provider via the Platform or sending the Service Provider information to the Service Provider by e-mail that the Service has been performed.
    7. Once the Service has been realised and this fact has been marked on the Platform, the Advertiser verifies the correctness of the realisation of the Service. Verification consists of checking the compliance of the completed Service with the order placed and the contract concluded in this respect.
    8. The verification referred to in para. 2.7. of the Regulations above, must take place no later than 5 working days from the date of marking the realisation of the Service by the Service Provider. In the event that the Advertiser fails to verify the publication of the link within 5 working days of the Service Provider's marking of the realisation of the Service, it shall be deemed that the Service has been correctly realised and is accepted automatically, which is tantamount to the following forfeit the Advertiser's right to make comments and corrections to the completed Service.
    9. The availability of the Link on the Portal should last for 12 months from the date of the Service. Availability means that the Link is visible on the Portal and remains active and has unchanged parameters (dofollow / nofollow).
  3. Contract
    1. The Advertiser purchases the Service at the ordering stage via the relevant functionality of the Platform in the Outreach Services module.
    2. Upon the purchase of the Service by the Advertiser, a Contract is concluded between the Advertiser and the Service Provider under the terms and conditions set out in these Regulations.
    3. As part of the Platform's functionality, the Advertiser is able to view, filter and manage the orders placed.
    4. The Service Provider may refuse to fulfil the order. The Service Provider shall each time indicate to the Advertiser the reason for the refusal of the order.
  4. Amount of the Fee
    1. The service is chargeable.
    2. The amount of the Fee is set by the Service Provider and is derived from the published price list.
    3. The amount of the Fee is visible to the Advertiser on the Platform at the ordering stage.
    4. To the extent not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Advertiser's Terms and Conditions shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Fee, including the rules for the payment of the Fee by the Advertiser.
  5. Claims and payment of claims
    1. In the event that the Link is not available within the period indicated in para. 2 para. 2.9 of the Regulations, the Advertiser has the right to submit a Complaint, in the manner specified in para. 5.2 below.
    2. The submission of a Complaint is made by submitting the request "Report an Irregularity" available to the Advertiser in the Outreach Module.
    3. It is only possible to submit a Complaint during the period indicated in point. 2.9. of the Regulations above. After the expiry of the period indicated in the preceding sentence, the Claimant's claims for the Service shall expire.
    4. Complaints are dealt with by the Service Provider, within 14 working days from the date of notification.
    5. If the Complaint is accepted, the Service Provider re-posts the link that is the subject of the order (although it may change its location while maintaining the parameters described in the order). Once the Service has been re-posted, the Service Provider informs the Complainant via email that the link is active again. In the event that the Service Provider is unable to re-post the link that is the subject of the order, the Service Provider is obliged to credit the Advertiser's account with the amount according to the formula:
      Refund = (365-a)/365 x contract value
      a - the number of days from the date the link was published until the link ceased to operate.
    6. The Service Provider, in the situation referred to in sec. 3.4. of the Regulations, the Service Provider may, within 2 working days from the date of refusal of the Service, through the functionality of the Platform, automatically credit the Advertiser's account on the Platform with the amount of the refund due to the Advertiser for the order placed by the Advertiser.
    7. The Advertiser shall not be able to make a withdrawal of funds returned to his/her account on the Platform pursuant to clause. 3.4. of the Regulations above. Such funds may be used by the Advertiser for subsequent orders placed through the Platform in accordance with the provisions of the Advertisers' Regulations.
  6. Exclusions from payment of Claims
    1. The advertiser is not entitled to the request referred to in para. 5.5. of the Regulations above in a situation where:
      • the link was removed from the Portal before the expiry of the period indicated in para. 2.9. of the Regulations above at the request of the Advertiser;
      • the link was removed when the link referred to a website that violated the law and the Service Provider was obliged to remove the link on the basis of a final court ruling or a final decision of an administrative authority;
      • the link has become inactive due to a deliberate action of the Advertiser to the detriment of the Service Provider, e.g. through unnatural linking (spam linking of the address where the link is placed);
      • the link has become inactive due to the deliberate action of the Advertiser or persons acting in the interests of the Advertiser in an attempt to force the Service back into operation;
      • The Advertiser has become the owner of the Portal on which the link covered by the Agreement is published;
      • the link ceases to be active because the linked website ceases to exist or the link is illegal and is therefore removed by the provider.
      • link parameters have changed in a way that is beyond the Service Provider's control, in particular third-party parameters (such as Ahrefs DR, Moz DA, etc.), Portal traffic and Anchor, where this is necessary for the natural tone of the publication content.
    2. The Service Provider is not obliged to publish the link referred to in clause. 5.5. of the Terms and Conditions above also in a situation where the period of unavailability of the contractual link on the Service Provider's Portal has occurred after the expiry of the deadline indicated in para. 2.9. of the Terms and Conditions above.
    3. Contact on the subject of the Service is only possible through the Platform. The Advertiser does not have the right to contact the Service Provider regarding the availability of a link on the Portal, unless otherwise stated in the Terms and Conditions or in the Advertiser's Terms and Conditions.
  7. Responsibility
    1. The Service Provider is liable to the Advertiser for lack of due diligence in connection with the performance of the Service. The Service Provider's liability shall each time be limited to the amount corresponding to the Fee paid by the Advertiser to the Service Provider for the Service ordered and not performed or not performed properly.
    2. The Service Provider shall not be liable for damages caused by improper use of the Service, in particular caused by the User's use of the Service in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations.
    3. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the non-performance or improper performance of the Service or for problems in the use of the Outreach Module if these occur as a result of events which the Service Provider, in the exercise of due diligence, could not have foreseen or prevented, or as a result of fortuitous events or force majeure.
    4. The service provider is not responsible for the content, content value, legality and reality (facts) of the website to which the link is directed.
    5. To the extent not covered by this clause. 7 of the Regulations, the provisions of sec. 13 of the Advertisers' Regulations.
    6. The Advertiser hereby consents to the Service Provider transferring to third parties the rights or obligations arising from the Terms and Conditions or the contract concluded in the performance of the Terms and Conditions.
  8. Complaint procedure for the provision of electronic services
    1. All complaints concerning the Service Provider's provision of the Service electronically under these Terms and Conditions should be made by e-mail, to: .
    2. The complaint should include at least: the date and time of the event that is the subject of the complaint, the e-mail address of the complainant and a brief description of the objections raised.
    3. Complaints will be processed within 14 days of receipt, in order of date of receipt.
    4. If it is not possible to meet the aforementioned deadline, the Service Provider shall inform the person making the complaint, stating the reason for the extension of the deadline as well as the expected time for a response.
    5. The person making the complaint will be informed by e-mail, at the e-mail address provided in the complaint, as to how the complaint will be handled.
  9. Final provisions
    1. In matters not regulated herein, the provisions of the Advertisers' Regulations and the provisions of Polish law shall apply accordingly.
    2. Any disputes between the Advertiser and the Service Provider will be resolved amicably and, if no agreement is reached, will be referred to the court having jurisdiction over the Service Provider's registered office.
    3. The Service Provider has the right to make changes to these Regulations for valid reasons. The Advertiser will be informed of changes to the Terms and Conditions at least 7 days in advance by sending information about the change to his/her e-mail address provided within the Advertiser's account on the Platform.
    4. By placing an order for the Service, the Advertiser declares that it has read these Terms and Conditions and accepts their contents.
    5. The regulations enter into force on February 8, 2024.