SEO (search engine optimization) means a website optimization for Google search engine. Of course, you should also consider the user and particularly remember about them while optimizing the site for Google. SEO activities are the part of activities that is directly related to the website - it is called On-site activities (optimization). The most important optimization factors include:

  • keywords in the title tag
  • placing keywords in texts that are on the site,
  • selection of optimal headings (h1, h2, h3),
  • appropriate internal linking on the site,
  • optimization of meta tags, description and alts,
  • optimization of site loading time.

Positioning of websites in Google search engine is a set of actions that a webmaster or agency should perform in order to increase the visibility of the site on Google. Positioning is also directed to the so-called Off-site activities i.e. building links to a positioned website. The quality and number of these links directly affect the visibility of the site on Google and this is the most important ranking factor of the Google algorithm.

We encourage you to read on!

The Ultimate Guide to Backlink Analysis Tools for SEO

Backlink analysis tools are crucial components in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). These tools help website owners and digital marketers understand the backlink profile of their websites, identify potential opportunities for improvement, and monitor the performance of their link-building strategies. In this article, we will explore the importance of backlink analysis tools in SEO, their key features, and how to use them effectively.

White Hat Link Building: Ethical Strategies for Sustainable SEO

The field of digital marketing has been changing rapidly over the past decade. But the pursuit of higher search engine rankings remains one of the top objectives of digital campaigns. One way to achieve this goal is through link building; however, not all link building methods are created equal. The legitimate approach, known as white hat link building, builds a trustworthy and sustainable online presence.

Mastering Digital PR: Boost Your Brand Awareness and SEO

Capturing the attention of audiences and building a strong online presence are paramount for business success in today’s digitized world. Digital PR — an evolved form of public relations — harnesses the power of the internet to amplify brand awareness and enhance SEO performance. Through the strategic use of online platforms, influencers, and content marketing, Digital PR drives organic traffic and fosters meaningful audience engagement.

The Ultimate Guide to KPIs and Metrics in SEO

Measuring the success of your SEO strategies is crucial for gaining a competitive edge. This ultimate guide to SEO KPIs and metrics equips you with the tools to not only track but also enhance your website’s search engine presence and performance. From understanding the basics to diving into advanced metrics, we provide you with actionable insights and practical advice on harnessing the power of SEO KPIs to refine your strategies and achieve measurable success.

What is White Hat SEO? Best Techniques for Effective Optimization

There are no working get-rich-quick schemes in digital marketing - the only way to long-term search ranking sustainability is through White Hat SEO techniques. These ethical strategies to search engine optimization ensure transparency and relevance, prioritizing user experience and quality. In this guide, you’ll learn the most effective White Hat SEO techniques and how they align with Google’s evolving algorithms. Use them when compiling your own strategy to optimize results.

What is Google's Helpful Content Update? Best Practices for Content Creation in 2024

Google's Helpful Content System has reshaped the SEO playing field, helping create a web landscape where quality and user focus are paramount. This groundbreaking initiative prioritizes content that provides genuine value, fundamentally altering how content creators approach SEO. As Google continues to refine its algorithms, with the latest update in March 2024, mastering these changes is essential for anyone aiming to optimize their online presence. Let’s take a look at the details.

The Ultimate Guide to Competitor Backlink Analysis for SEO Success

There are many techniques available to boost your SEO efforts, and competitor backlink analysis emerges as a critical one among them. This analytical approach offers a window into the tactics employed by your rivals to secure their positions at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). This guide to competitor backlink snalysis is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to dissect and leverage these insights — dig in.

Uncover the Benefits: Your Essential Guide to Backlink Analysis

Unlock the power of backlink analysis to elevate your SEO strategy. Discover how to assess link quality, enhance your domain authority, and skyrocket your search rankings. With actionable insights, this guide empowers you to improve your website's performance, drive significant traffic, and outshine competitors. Ready to take your SEO to the next level and achieve unparalleled visibility? Dive in now!

The latest Google algorithm updates

Google Search receives billions of search requests each day in 150 different languages. To deliver search results that align with users' input, it relies on numerous algorithms, possibly even hundreds. These algorithms are consistently enhanced and updated to ensure that the content displayed in search results better suits the requirements of British users and others around the world.

Comprehensive SEO Guide: 11 Effective Link Building Strategies

Maintaining a top ranking in Google search results becomes increasingly competitive, underlining the importance of effective link building — one of the top ranking factors used by search engines. In this guide, we want to give you the tools to craft a powerful link building strategy, from the foundational principles to a variety of beginner and advanced strategies. Learn about link types, how to earn backlinks, effective ways of outreach, and much more!

Search Engine Positioning: Guide to Improve Your Rankings

Most online experiences begin with a simple Google search, making securing the top spot in search engine results the dream of any business looking to make a significant online impact. In today’s guide, we explain the complexities of search engine algorithms and offer a clear, actionable strategy to elevate your search engine positioning. From choosing the right keywords to the technical nuances of website optimization, we cover every aspect you’ll need to know to boost your online presence.

Why Is My Website Not Showing Up on Google? 11 Most Common Reasons

Have you ever wondered why your website isn't appearing on Google search results, despite your best efforts? The world of Search Engine Optimization can often feel like navigating through a maze, with dozens of factors influencing your website's visibility. Today, we’ll be uncovering the top 11 reasons why your website might be missing from Google searches — along with actionable advice to fix them.

Mastering SEO-Friendly Content: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide

For digital marketers, mastering the craft of SEO-friendly content is no longer just an advantage – it's a necessity. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or just starting out, understanding the nuances of SEO-friendly content is crucial. This guide will walk you through what makes content truly SEO-friendly, from its definition to the intricacies of keyword research, structure, readability, and the use of various supporting tools.

Link Prospecting: Identify the Best Prospects for Your Link Building

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll find everything you need to know about link prospecting and how you can use it to boost your website’s visibility. By the time you finish reading this guide, you’ll have all the relevant information and details you require to start prospecting links for your link building campaigns. Keep reading to unearth more!

Bounce Rate: What Is It and How to Improve It?

Bounce rate is a crucial, yet often overlooked metric that lies at the heart of understanding your website’s performance. In this guide, we’ll be exploring reasons behind high bounce rate and strategies to lower it, relevant for both beginners and professionals of digital marketing. If your goal is to boost your online performance and encourage users to explore your website, knowing how to analyse your bounce rate is the first step to success.

How to Perform an SEO Audit? Beginner’s SEO Checklist for 2024

Are you sure your website is performing the best it can? You won’t know unless you check - an SEO Audit can help you find out which aspects of your website generate traffic optimally, and which lower your Search Engine Results Page ranking. With this guide, you’ll be able to perform an SEO Audit yourself and boost your brand’s online presence.

What are Search Engines, and How Do They Work? Best Search Engines: Google & Alternatives

Search engines are like lighthouses in a vast ocean of information. They are heavily responsible for the way we interact with the World Wide Web today, from the global giants like Google to smaller alternatives. Each engine offers a unique window into the internet’s resources — today, we’ll explore their mechanics, evolution, and future, based not only around the omnipresent Google, but also around other services that cater to specific user needs.

International SEO Guide: How To Optimize Websites For Multiple Countries or Languages?

Venturing into international online markets? Mastering international SEO will be critical. Today, you’ll learn how to optimize your website for different countries and languages, overcome cultural barriers, and climb international SERPs. With this comprehensive guide, you can craft the ultimate international SEO strategy to conquer foreign markets and drive traffic and sales.

What is Off-Page SEO? The Complete Guide to Off-Site Optimization

Crafted specifically for online marketers and website owners, this extensive guide discusses effective link building techniques, the importance of social signals, and more vital off-site SEO components. Off-page SEO elements are vital to your overall strategy, and can directly boost your website’s authority, and – in turn – your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ratings. Whether you’re an expert yourself or are just starting out, you’ll definitely find these insights and actionable strategies helpful.

E-commerce SEO: Comprehensive guide and best SEO practices for e-stores

Are you ready to enhance your e-commerce website to the top of search engine rankings? Dive into the world of E-commerce SEO, where we'll mention the secrets behind dominating the digital marketplace. From keyword research to tuning your website's technical aspects, we've got your path to SEO success. So, let's speed up your online shop's visibility and sales to transform your e-commerce game!

Sponsored Content: The Ultimate Guide with Inspiring Examples

Sponsored content can be a powerful marketing device for promoting your product across diverse target audiences. When used effectively, it can help brands elevate their online visibility and cultivate meaningful engagement with their audience. To create a successful sponsored content campaign, both quality copywriting and in-depth SEO knowledge are necessary. Today, we’ve prepared for you the ultimate guide to sponsored content – with examples of effective sponsored content to learn from.

What is a Google Business Profile, and How Can it Benefit Your Business?

Boosting your online visibility is essential for any digital business, as growth opportunities depend largely on an engaged audience that actively interacts with your content. A Google Business Profile is a valuable tool in creating that visibility, allowing businesses to create visually engaging representations that are highly searchable and improve local SEO. Today, we’ll explore how to create a Google Business Profile, showcase its potential benefits, and provide guidance on effective management.

Boosting your SEO with Backlinks: An In-Depth Guide

Developing a robust SEO plan for your company is crucial to capture the attention of wider audiences. A vital part of this strategy is obtaining backlinks – links from other websites to yours that tell search engines that your content is worth sharing. Today, we’re focusing on what backlinks are, exactly how important they are for your SEO, and how to find good-quality backlink opportunities.

Page Speed Optimization: Tips to Improve Page Loading Time

Website performance is one of the key factors that determines every online business’s success. The longer your pages take to load, the more frustrated your users will be and more prone to simply leave the website and look for alternatives. Poor user experience means lower conversion rates and a decreasing position in search engine rankings. Page Speed optimization is crucial to avoid this.

SEO for SaaS Companies: Best Practices for Boosting Your Rankings

SEO is critical for the success of any online business, and SaaS companies are no exception. In fact, with such a fierce competition within the industry, a solid SEO strategy can make all the difference. In this article, we’ll outline some of the best SEO practices for SaaS companies, covering everything from content optimization and website structure to off-site SEO and measuring the success of your strategy.

16 Must-Have SEO Chrome Extensions for SEO Specialists

Search Engine Optimization is an essential component of any successful digital marketing strategy. To optimize a website’s search engine ranking, SEO specialists use a variety of tools and resources to aid them in the process - including Google Chrome and its SEO extensions. In this article, we’ll explore 16 must-have SEO Chrome Extensions that every digital marketer should consider using.

SEO Through the Eyes of Women: What Surprised Us? International report 2023

SEO is one of the fastest growing industries at the contact point of IT and marketing. At WhitePress® we work with hundreds of specialists in the field every day, while attending industry conferences regularly. Men dominate the stage, with more women appearing on the user side of our platform each year. Therefore, this year, on the occasion of International Women's Day, we decided to take a closer look at the presence of ladies in this sector.

What is SEO? Complete Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Apart from hyperlinks on other websites, search engines like Google are the only effective way for your audience to find your site. With SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, webmasters and content creators can optimize their pages to improve their Search Engine Result Pages ranking. With better positioning comes increased traffic - and potentially increased profits as well.

What is remarketing in Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords)?

Regardless of what kind of product you are selling, thanks to the Google Ads system, you can effectively remind people who saw your products or services about your offer. If you want to learn how to run a Google Ads campaign and set up effective targeting – read this article.

Internal linking - how to do it properly

Internal linking is the foundation of a well-optimised website. It is also a base for further on-page and off-page activities. Thanks to properly designed subpage structure and appropriate linking for each of them you can achieve a huge success and can be visible in Google, which will, in turn, lead to larger web traffic. Read our manual on internal linking to do it well.

Local SEO - how to deal with it?

Car workshop, hair salon, massage parlour, restaurant – when you search for all these places you aim for the compromise between the distance, price and quality of service. A couple of years ago Google has created a special algorithm that suggests the places which are close to you and at the same time they are recommended by other users. What should you do to be visible in search results for local key phrases? How does the local SEO look like?

Guest Posting: What is It, and What are its Benefits?

Content marketing is one of the most effective strategies for online brands to spread awareness about their brand and generate valuable traffic and new leads. When published on external websites in the form of guest posting, this content can build your image as an industry expert, create referral traffic back to your site, and improve your SEO performance. How does it all work?

What is Robots.txt? A Comprehensive Guide and Introduction

The robot.txt file affects the way robots that "visit" your site work. It is intended for all automation systems. It is worth knowing the goal of completing the file and what you want to extract from it. Is it worth using it and what is its application? What are the disadvantages, and what benefits can it generate?

Accelerated mobile pages (AMP) - what is that?

Google has introduced a new feature to its Search Console which allows you to activate Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). This option is suited for those who have static pages and wish to make them immediately available to users. Read on to see what philosophy hides behind the AMP.

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Link Building - What Is It and How Does It Work?

As business gets more competitive across a wide range of industries, reaching clients becomes an increasingly important concern for businesses. Right now, having your website display among the top search results on Google and other search engines is a priority for companies who want their potential clients to find their offer. Link building is one of the most effective ways to achieve this - find out what it is and how it works below.

Surfer SEO Serp Analyzer – a tool you must know

This time we will make one of the solutions of the Polish Surfer SEO tool a centre of interest. How can this tool make life easier for SEO users, which features are most useful and where to start the adventure with Serp Analyzer?

Website pagination - does pagination affect site positioning?

It is worth spending time planning pagination on your website in terms of SEO, to later enjoy the positive effects of visibility in the Google search engine. It would seem that this is an easy process, but the implementation of ill-considered integration can cause a lot of trouble.

What's New in Google Analytics 4? A Comprehensive Guide

Google Analytics is the single most popular and most powerful tool for measuring and analyzing SEO and marketing data. The service is free to use and available to anyone with a Google account, making GA an extremely accessible platform for establishing trends and marketing patterns. The new Google Analytics 4 is the latest iteration of the GA platform, released in October 2020, bringing many innovations and smart solutions to make data gathering and analysis easier and more efficient. What exactly changed in the latest version and is it worth it to upgrade right now? Today, we’ll try to answer these questions.

What is happening in the SEO market in Brazil?

Have you wondered what is content creation and SEO perspective in Latin American? There is no secret that it is a big market. We interviewed a Brazilian SEO specialist to know the answers to the main questions about the peculiarities of this market

Optimised content for the user and Google - 9 steps and a sample draft for the copywriter

Writing web content is seemingly a pretty easy job. All you have to do is find some free time, sit down in front of your computer, open a blank text document, think of a topic and write... Unfortunately, such an image has no reflection in reality. In this article you will find a description of an effective content creation (planning) process based on solid analysis and a sample draft for a copywriter which is a key part of the process.

Redirects - 301 and others – what are they and how can I use them?

A lot can be read in articles, on social media and in discussion forums about a whole range of different redirects. Redirect 301 seems to be the answer to all our internet woes regarding what can happen to our website. A punishment from Google? Redirect. A new version of the site with a different addressing structure ? Redirect. Increased strength of subpages? Redirect. But what is a redirect anyway…?

Meta tags – the basis of website optimisation

Optimising your website is crucial, but it’s worth starting out with simple things that can result in a higher number of clicks on our search result. One of these are undoubtedly meta tags. Read on to find out why these tags should contain useful, interesting information, and what other characters can have an effect on your website’s visibility.

Why content Marketing is important for SEO?

If your SEO activities are still based on the rules set 2 years ago, you should read about the newest research and strategies which are much more safe to use and visibly increase the number of visits on your page. We propose SEO based on Content Marketing.

How to optimise a language version of a website for SEO purposes?

Websites of today are not simple contact pages but important marketing tools which can be used for different business purposes. Their effectiveness depends on the number of viewers, and this, in turn, is dependent on search engine visibility. Thus, creating an effective strategy for achieving good positions in search results (SEO) is crucial, especially for multi-language sites which aim to obtain users from different parts of the world.

A manual for Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a tool that will help you optimise your pages to make them visible in the search engine. But often, incorrect use may lead to decreased traffic. Below, you will find a manual that will help you use GSC properly – you will learn how to operate in this environment and what features of the Console you should care about.

10 reasons for writing a company blog

A company blog is a very popular form of inbound marketing. It allows for new marketing solutions to be used and is a much better idea than banners, sponsored articles or CPC campaigns. This type of marketing is a great way to promote your products and services. If you have an enterprise, you should write a blog about it. Here are 10 reasons why!

Google Analytics for beginners

SEO activities cannot be completely realized without analysis of website traffic. You simply cannot evaluate the effectiveness of your actions if you are not checking this data. Google Analytics is a free tool which will help you analyze website traffic from different angles. Although it is free, Google Analytics is a very complex tool. Read on if you would like to learn how to use it.

How to choose the best keywords for SEO?

Comprehensive keyword analysis is one of the foundations of proper SEO. If you do not perform a thorough analysis, this may hinder you in the future as your position in the search results for a given phrase may be high, but it does not benefit you in any way.