Social media have mastered Internet communication. At the end of 2016, Facebook had 1.65 billion active profiles, which means that every 4th person on Earth has an account. It is no wonder that advertising has moved from traditional media to Social Media.

This section is a guide to social media. Here, you will find a series of tutorials to help you navigate the world of Social Media. Beginners will find the answer to the question about the basic functionalities of SM, and the advanced users will find information on how to use SM in marketing and advertising.

You will also find here a case study of advertising campaigns, as well as an overview of the opportunities that social media give marketers.

We encourage you to read on!

Social Media
8 types of videos you can use in your content marketing campaign

Videos are probably the most popular content on the internet. But simply uploading a clip to YouTube is not a marketing campaign. To create a successful advertising in this area you should know what types of video you have at your disposal. This way you can design a coherent and effective video campaign for your company.

Human to Human - a new era of marketing?

This might be the end of boring campaigns that lack a human voice. The newest projections show one prevalent motif – the nearest future will belong to marketing communication with a human at their front. Forget about B2B and B2C – start working on Human to Human market.