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A new feature for marketers-filter division in the portal browser

Updated on: 2022-06-01  
(2 min. read)
main graphic filter division
When you want to publish an article using WhitePress®, you can browse through more than 40,000 portals. Our browser will now be even more helpful thanks to a small, yet significant change—filter division. We’ve divided all our filters into categories related to publication goals, so that you may find and choose your favorite filters easily.

A brand new filter division

In the WhitePress® browser, you will find almost 50 filters, thanks to which you can sort all the portals according to your preferences. What filters are more important to certain marketers depends on their publication goals, but also on their budget, their need to order additional articles, or other priorities in mind.

In order to make browsing through portals more transparent and convenient, we've divided all our filters into four categories depending on their function. These four categories are: Basic filters, Marketing filters, SEO filters, and Technical and other filters. A new filter division allows you to find the most appropriate parameters in a way that is both easy and more intuitive. 

UK basic and marketing filters

Therefore, in the new view of the browser you will find:

  • Basic filters—they will help you filter the portals according to type of portal, theme, or pierce.
  • Marketing filters—you can use them to find the offers with additional promotion on Facebook, traffic tracking, a 36-month guarantee, etc.
  • SEO Filters—with these filters, you can browse the portals with link building objectives in mind. If you are publishing for SEO purposes, you will definitely appreciate various parameters from the most popular tools, such as AHREFS: Domain Rating, Trust Flow, or Average UR rating.
  • Technical and other filters—these additional filters are used for searching for portals, taking into account elements like HTTPS or publishing speed. Some of them will come in handy in the future, once you have some experience using our platform. If you have been using WhitePress® for some time now, I highly recommend excluding websites where you have already published something, in order not to use the same places for publication.

UK SEO and Technical filters

Check the filters in the marketer’s panel

As you can see, you still have access to the same set of parameters as in the past at your disposal. Nevertheless, we hope that the new, clear view of the filters will speed up your work significantly. It doesn’t matter if you concentrate on SEO, PR, or maybe you would like to promote your product or services-now you will be able to adjust the parameters to your needs in no time.

Log into our platform, click “Publish articles” and try the new filters now!

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