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A new tool for verifying and indexing articles in WhitePress®

Updated on: 2023-03-14  
(4 min. read)
A new tool for verifying and indexing articles in WhitePress®
Starting from today, Marketers in WhitePress® will gain access to a tool that allows you to check the publication and indexing status of each article. With just one click, you can have a group of articles indexed on Google for free. We have also added a new metric next to the publisher portals based on the publication history.

Google indexing? And what use is it to anyone?

Up to 40% of content is not indexed by Google. What does this mean? Any article that is published but not indexed has no chance of appearing in organic search results. Publishing articles that don't make it into Google's index is simply buying content that doesn't fully benefit from an SEO perspective. 

Non-indexed sites do not convey "link power," the so-called "link juice," which is the potential conveyed by a subpage through links to gain positions in Google search results. Links placed on a site that is not in Google's index can still generate page views, build brand awareness, and even lead to conversions. However, they will not convey any positive signal to the search engine about the linked domains.

The importance of the indexed content is stressed by our specialist, Steven Khanna. You can check out the video below:

Article publication and indexation status - new features and metrics.

In response to this problem, the WhitePress® development team has created our own, original article indexing verification system. It is based on several methods (used in parallel) of checking the availability of articles on Google. Only when none of these methods work, WhitePress® assumes that the article is not visible in Google.

However, before the software checks whether an article is indexed, we verify if the publication on the publisher's site is correct. If the article is published correctly but not indexed by Google, the user can have it indexed for free.

All these functions are available in the Marketer's panel after entering the Paid Articles section and clicking Done.

The system for monitoring the accuracy of publication and indexation introduces two new filters:

New filters indexation

  • Filter Publication Status - allows you to display paid articles due to the publication status verified in the WhitePress® panel. There are 4 possible publication statuses:  
    • Untested - displays if the publication has not been verified for 3 months. The user has the option to have the article verified with this status.
    • Correct - the publication is correct. The user can order the indexation of an article with this status.
    • Checked - the publication status is currently being checked by the WhitePress® system.
    • Not available - the WhitePress® system cannot verify the accuracy of the publication due to unavailability on the Internet or errors in the publication.
  • Filter Article Indexation Status - allows users to select one of the seven indexation statuses present in our platform:
    • Unknown - the WhitePress® panel has no information about the indexation of the article. You can have the indexation checked if the article has a valid publication status.
    • Checked - the system is currently checking the indexation status of the selected article.
    • OK - the page is indexed correctly.
    • Unindexed - the page is not currently indexed. You can have the selected article: attempted to be indexed.
    • Unindexed, publisher blocks - the publisher of the portal where the publication was ordered blocks the possibility of indexation by the WhitePress® platform.
    • During indexation - the displayed article is in the process of being added to Google index.
    • Failed indexation - the process of adding to the Google index has failed. You can have the article added to indexation again in the WhitePress® panel (up to 3 times per publication).

Verification and indexation of articles

Article verification and indexation is a new section that allows you to collectively monitor the publication and indexation status of all paid articles in the Marketer’s panel. The user can take appropriate actions depending on the publication status by sending group orders to verify the publication or indexation of articles. 

Non-indexed pages - verification of indexation with WhitePress®

However, let's go back a bit to ordering the publication of articles. While selecting portals for article publication, you can use a new metric: "Indexation of publications". The new SEO filter allows you to display portals with selected parameters for the degree of indexation of articles.

Indexation of publications

Indexation of publications expresses in percentage the level of indexation of articles published in the last 12 months on the indicated portal. If you hover over the metric (or in the portal details window), you will see expanded statistics showing the percentage of indexed articles, in time intervals:

  • Publications from 0 to 3 months
  • Publications from 0 to 6 months
  • Publications from 0 to 12 months
  • All publications 

In the portal overview window, we can use the appropriate filter, or permanently add a column with a new metric (it is not enabled by default).

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