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Outreach by WhitePress® - Build Your Links Where Others Can't

Updated on: 2024-02-06  
(6 min. read)
Outreach by WhitePress
WhitePress®’s new Outreach service offers a unique opportunity to acquire links from sites that aren't available through other sources. Each such link is one-of-a-kind. If you're looking for publications that aren't labeled as 'sponsored', and you prefer not to invest your time in outreach and content creation - you've come to the right place. Let WhitePress® handle it for you!

Let’s start with the basics - what exactly is outreach, and why would you consider it for link acquisition?

Outreach is arguably the most ethical - "white hat" approach to actively getting links. It involves direct contact with a website’s author or editor and offering your resources as:

  • a link to your website as a supplement to the topic they have discussed;
  • a guest post on a topic that has not yet been discussed on the website, but would be interesting for their readers.

This approach benefits both parties - the advertiser, who is acquiring a link, and the publisher, who is providing valuable content for their readers. However, it is a tedious process that demands in-depth research and, above all, time. That's why it's worth outsourcing it. For instance, to WhitePress®.

Outreach at WhitePress®

The introduction of Outreach to the services offered by WhitePress® provides an opportunity to supplement link building efforts with another strategy and diversify the sources of acquired links.

The Outreach offer is currently available for projects conducted in English. However, we will systematically expand the availability of the service to other languages and areas of operation.

You may be wondering why the portals in the Outreach service are not available in the regular WhitePress® offer. Our Outreach process hinges on identifying portals that match your specific needs and building relationships that result in a link to your website.

The rules of our Outreach are straightforward - you choose the thematic category of the website you want a link from, set its criteria, and select the link to your site along with the anchor text. We take it from there, seeking out potential portals and contacting them. The backlinks we acquire can either be so-called link insertions (added to existing content) or part of a new article we craft.

Rest assured, every portal we choose is carefully selected to maximize benefits to the linking site. We mainly focus on thematic convergence, not only of the linking domain, but also the content and context in which the backlink will appear.

We determine site quality using established metrics:

  • Domain Rating (DR) by Ahrefs - with a minimum value of 20, reported as of the day the link is secured. Our offers include a range of DR scores, from 20-45, 46-65, to 65+.
  • A minimum of 100 referring domains to the portal, as per Ahrefs.
  • A manual evaluation to exclude PBNs (sites created solely for linking), knock-offs of well-known brands (like 'Adidas' vs 'Abibas'), and sites previously penalized by Google, as evident in Ahrefs' visibility charts.

We're also committed to creating high-quality content. Every piece is original, at least 800 words long, and is guaranteed to be indexed and have the potential to feature in SERPs. Our content is closely tied to the portal's theme to bring benefits to its readers. To ensure that our backlinks are natural and high-quality, we incorporate contextual links to enhance the article's information without being directly tied to the order.

Portals quality

We also carefully check the links leading to your domain (we use Ahrefs) to ensure that we are not duplicating pages in your link profile.

Our Outreach service is a great way to supplement your standard link building efforts and achieve better results. While the high quality of links we acquire comes at a price - it is not just about the cost of publication, but also the time it takes to acquire such links. To build the right links for you, the process can take up to 8 weeks. But as they say, good things come to those who wait.

What are the benefits of using our Outreach?

First and foremost, you gain a competitive edge. You will acquire valuable links from high-quality portals, ones that are not found through other sources.  Our page quality checking system ensures we steer clear of the commonly available domains on guest poster spreadsheets from LinkedIn.

Second, you get natural links in your backlink profile. The content from which we link is not marked as sponsored because we acquire it by offering real value to the publisher.

Third, you can also rest assured that the publications will be indexed. Our high-quality articles do more than just include links, they have a chance to generate real traffic and even send it to the linked page in the form of referral traffic.

Finally, you save time. While outreach might look straightforward, it requires experience and time spent on research, contact, negotiations, and content creation. By entrusting your outreach to WhitePress®, we take care of all of this, so you can relax and wait for the links to arrive.

Our Guarantee

Who is Outreach for?

Of course - Outreach is for anyone who wants to improve their website’s visibility and secure unique backlinks in the mentioned markets. However, we especially recommend Outreach to:

  • Those who want to improve the visibility of websites in sensitive thematic categories like CBD, currencies, gambling, etc. We classify these as premium offers.
  • Those who have been with WhitePress® for a long time and are finding it difficult to find new pages in our standard offer. We can help you find new, high-quality pages that are a good fit for your target audience.
  • Anyone who wants to diversify their sources of link acquisition, to maintain a natural link profile.
  • People in search of unique links that are not available in the usual 'spreadsheets' and other typical sources.

How to use the Outreach service at WhitePress®?

To use the Outreach service at WhitePress®, you must first have a project in English.

Once you have a project, for detailed information on the offers, head over to the Outreach section in the WhitePress® panel. Simply select the “Order Service” option, and for your chosen project, click on “See Offers”.

You'll find a variety of offers there, ranging from standard WhitePress® categories to those tailored for specific niches (and not just the sensitive ones) such as SaaS, finance, and health.

Widok listy ofert

You can get all the details about each offer in its description. The price of the service depends on the topic of your project, and the parameters of the portals you want the links to be published on.

To place an order for links, just pick the category that interests you, the desired DR range of the portal, and provide the URL you wish to promote along with the anchor text.

Zamówienie Outreachu

Once you have placed your order, we will begin working on acquiring links for you. 

Now, why not take a moment to see what we've got in store for you! Try Outreach now!

  1. In this service, we allow the following anchor text types: brand, exact match, partial match, and URL. We do not use graphic links.
  2. Because we use metrics from external tools, we report DR values on the day the link is acquired. However, our thorough domain quality verification system excludes domains that may be prone to sudden changes.
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