Internal linking offers. Publisher, add and earn!
(2 min. read)

Internal Linking: What's It All About?
You might be wondering what exactly this service entails, how you can implement it correctly for advertisers, and, of course, what’s in it for you. Let us explain!
Internal linking is one of the key elements of website optimization for search engines. By connecting different pieces of content, search engine bots can better understand what they are about. The more signals they get, the better they can match results to users' searches. Therefore, internal linking plays a crucial role in optimizing your site, increasing its authority and traffic.
When advertisers choose websites to publish their content, they pay close attention to these aspects. By optimizing your site, you also increase your chances of making more sales through WhitePress®.
Why Do Advertisers Care About Internal Linking?
Advertisers purchase content on your site to boost their website’s ranking. Links carry what's called "SEO power," and this applies to internal links too. By adding internal links, the SEO value of the link leading to the advertiser's site increases. As you can see, it’s a win-win situation. You create a more visible site, leading to more orders, while the advertisers' links gain more SEO strength.
How to Add an Internal Linking Offer?
The first step is to go to the offer creation form, where you'll now find the "Internal Linking" option under the "Promotion" section. Depending on how many additional links you propose, you can create separate offers for your site. Each option adds a new entry to your site's list of offers.
We’ve prepared a detailed interactive tutorial for you. Try it out, then add your offers. Time to get to work!
How to Choose Pages for Internal Linking
Here are a few tips on how to best select pages for internal linking. First, make sure that the articles you link to the advertiser's content are thematically related. To find them, use the search feature in your CMS. Look for keywords related to the article and add links to the best matches. You can link existing keywords within the text or add new sections that naturally include internal links.
If your CMS doesn’t support a search function, you can use Google’s site command. In the search bar, type:
site:{{your_domain_address}} + {{the_keyword_you’re_looking_for}}
This will help you find relevant content on your site that contains the desired keyword.
Got it? Then start working, and don’t forget to share the results with us after implementing this new option! Have questions? Contact us via chat or reach out directly to your account manager.