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2021 - an exciting year in WhitePress®

Updated on: 2021-12-22  
(4 min. read)
A summary of 2021 in WhitePress
2021 is coming to an end. This year has been a busy one for WhitePress®. So it is time to sum up what we did during these 12 months to take care of your content marketing.

JANUARY - Content Premium, an innovative module that allows you to order high-quality content from specialized journalists, was launched in Poland in January. Thanks to the advanced search engine of copywriters and the marketplace of offers, you can find a journalist perfectly suited to your order. Currently, Content Premium is available in Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary.

FEBRUARY - we became part of RTB House. With the combined experience of both companies, strengths, and technologies, our expansion into foreign markets (Europe, Asia, and the Americas) has accelerated.

MARCH - Content Premium was expanded with additional options. Since March marketers can also order graphics to enrich the content, buy characters in written texts and count on the support of WhitePress® tutor in the selection of copywriters.

APRIL - there was a lot going on this month. The WhitePress® platform was launched on three more markets: Italy, Greece, and Spain. By the end of April, advertisers could order content and publications in 15 countries.

We have added two new parameters to the publisher search engine, which will help you better verify the potential of your publications. The indicators define the ratio of Referring Domains to Linked Domains for a given portal.

In addition, publishers have gained the opportunity to place offers with guaranteed traffic. Thanks to this, advertisers can filter out offers providing a sufficient number of unique article views or visits by unique users.

MAY - we operate in almost all of Europe! The users of the WhitePress platform include France, Slovenia, Lithuania and Latvia. In May, advertisers can not only publish on the portals but also order content from copywriters in French, Lithuanian, Latvian and Slovenian. 

JUNE - we launched a large international project dedicated to marketing agencies. WhitePress for agencies is a comprehensive guide including a series of articles, research reports, document templates and valuable advice from industry experts. Currently, the project is available for agencies in Poland, the Netherlands, Romania and Hungary.

JULY-AUGUST - it's the holiday season, but we haven't been idle. We organised free webinars for you and added new valuable articles to the Knowledge Base and WhitePress® for agencies.

SEPTEMBER - As the WhitePress® platform has already spread across 19 markets, we decided to secure our branding in Europe. The logo and the name WhitePress®, increasingly recognizable among thousands of European marketers and publishers, were registered throughout the European Union. 

OCTOBER - to make it easier for you to analyse and present data from the platform we have integrated Google Data Studio - a free and intuitive application for creating reports and information panels.

From this month you can also use a new feature in the WhitePress® platform - "Links from publishers". It allows you to acquire links (without publishing an article) in the content of existing articles, sitewide links and advertising links (including banners) on popular sites. From 2022, it will be available in other countries as well.

how the google data studio report looks like

NOVEMBER - the long-awaited moment has arrived - we purchased the domain Soon, the English-language website of our platform will be available in a completely new version!

DECEMBER - at the end of the year we don't slow down! On the contrary, we expanded our reach to two more countries - Portugal and Turkey! In practically all countries we launched WhitePress for beginners - a series of articles that will guide you step by step through the process of creating an account, ordering an article and publishing on portals.

map of countries where WhitePress is present

To conclude with some important figures for us:

21 - in less than a year, the WhitePress® platform has expanded by 9 new markets. You can now order publications in 21 countries: Poland, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Romania, the Netherlands, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, France, Ukraine, Italy, Turkey, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovenia.

37 - this is how many more people our international team has grown to meet all the challenges (and this is certainly not the end). There are 108 of us now. 

660 - this is the number of copywriters who offer their services within Content Premium module in Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

36.516 - that's how many portals you can order publications from. This year alone, our database has expanded by 15,000 foreign portals.


2022 is ahead of us - Get ready for real revolutions!

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