How to start a company blog?

Updated on: 2016-06-03
Creation of a company blog is not only a great form of communication, but you can also use it to educate your customers. You can strengthen your relations with the customer and present yourself as an expert in the field even for those who didn't try your services yet. How to use this tool? How to start your official blog?
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Table of Contents

The first rule of content creation: "There is no bad audience, you just have to have an idea how to reach it". Think about a couple of factors. What is the application of your product and is it easy to use? Analyse your conversations with customers, ask your friends and relatives what advice they would like to hear from a company working in the same market niche as you. See what your competition is doing, what questions are asked on internet forums and groups. This way you can think like your customers.

One big social media family

Although each social media channel differs in the interface and the main purpose, all networks, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or blog platforms have one thing in common: they create a community. That's why before you write an article you should analyse the content available in other channels you use. Take a look at statistical data, check what is liked, which posts attracted the most attention and generated the most comments. If, for instance, it is a post with images showing how to perfectly clean the windows and you make a product specifically for that purpose, write an article detailing the whole process. But remember - a good topic is only the beginning, as the message has to be constructed in a certain way.

Language that can be understood

This part of the work on your blog requires a lot of time. Just like meeting a new associate – you have to talk for a while to get to know each other. In blog creation, one rule is worth being implemented: SRP – simplification, reference, and practicality. The first part regards the way in which you create information, the second points to a situation the user may know. The last one relates to verification of the text as a readable, understandable message. At this stage, you should get rid of paragraphs that do not add anything valuable to the text. It should be pleasant to read and it has to present a clear point.

Topics to write about

A company blog should make you look like an expert in the field you specialize in. Do not copy articles from other sites and if you write about something well-known, add some unique thought of your own. A blog can educate your customer about your services and products. If your offer includes specialized equipment, you can show how to use it or what it is capable of. It is obvious you know everything about your product, but your customer does not so take that into account when you write your articles. You can also educate your audience through articles that relate to the main topic indirectly – for example, if you sell toothbrushes, you can write general advice on mouth care. It is also advisable to inform your customers about the new releases or special offers through your blog.

And the last thing: consider your blog a product, not an advertisement. It is a tool for self-creation, not self-promotion. The blog has to be useful. Your customer should think “This company tries to keep in touch with me regarding its offer and gives me a few good ideas” instead of “yet again, they write how great they are”.

P.S. Are you ready to write your first post? Do you have any questions? Feel free to ask!

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